Sunday, December 19, 2010


At first I thought I'd wait to get a real music-listening device before I resumed here again. Long story short, I decided against it.

So here's a track by Jamie Woon, on the heels of his EP Wayfaring Stranger. I'd call it electroacoustic if I had to use a term for it. I'm really into how atmospheric it is, and he stands out to me as a skilled songwriter.

He's also on the BBC's Sound of 2011 longlist, so it appears I'm not the only one expecting big things from him. Let me know what you think of the track.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Written in the Stars

As I've related previously, I don't put a lot of hip-hop up here. However, I'm yet again passing along a Tinie Tempah track. I've been feeling him for almost a year now, and his album is going to be out in October.

When "Pass Out" came out, I didn't think he could match it. And yet he keeps doing it. It's been years since I anticipated a hip-hop album with any enthusiasm, but he's done it.

Without further ado, here's the track:

Friday, August 13, 2010

Late again

I'm not sure if I've even posted a rap track here thus far. It's not that I dislike the genre these days. It's just that, even compared to a lot of popular schlock, the bad stuff tends to become popular. Adherence to cliches is almost analogous to merit. Maybe I'm wrong, but here's a great track by the incomparable Professor Green, with an excellent sample hook. Even if you don't like hip-hop, I would throw your taste into question if you don't like this ditty:

For good measure, here's another track, by him. I realize I'm a bit late with posting these tracks, but I've been getting into him recently. Hopefully you are too.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Moving Pictures

No, not the excellent Rush album of the same name.

MTV rose, and changed the face of music, yet I think few would argue that it isn't waning. Hell, with Youtube, it's no surprise that very little of MTV is actually music anymore. And yet, in the years preceding the ostensible downfall of the channel, videos were schlocky to say the least.

Youtube has forced videos to be more innovative if they're to be sent over and over. Never mind how the medium is supposed to generate sales. If you don't care about the video, you can just add the song to your playlist. A compelling video still serves the same purpose it always has. That is, to make the track memorable beyond the music and drive sales. But the competition is everything else on Youtube, making the imperative for unusual and creative videos all the more potent.

In fact, there was a gulf between the descent of MTV and the rise of Youtube in which the music video was a pithy concern; of course, hit singles still needed them, but it was only token. The mid-2000s were full of terrible and generic videos. But Youtube has again put a priority on the video.

Although I'm confessedly NOT a Lady Gaga fan, her incredibly lengthy Telephone video is testament to my point. It's of Youtube length, would not have happened without Youtube. Yes, that includes any comparisons you'd hope to make with Thriller.

I'm into it. It's a great creative accessory to a track.

Aaaanyways, follow music videos in the next year or two and you'll see what I mean.

But onto our examples! My mind was totally blown by this video made to a Marina and the Diamonds montage. This epic 10 minute track, excellent cinematography, makeup, and choreography is FAN MADE. Some rich fan, but this really, really impressed me.

I like Marina, and some remixes of her tracks are regulars on my ipod still. Check this video though; you won't regret it.

On the subject of sick music videos, I think I posted this track before, but this Audio Bullys video has a really fun and creative idea behind it.

I can't embed it, but if you'd like to see another crazy video (to a great song) Youtube Hot Chip's "I Feel Better".

Happy watching. And listening.

Friday, July 23, 2010

More disco?

I was feeling this joint, Baby I'm Yours by Breakbot a while ago, but it seems that this super sweet video is fairly new. Check it out; the track is still excellent.

Monday, July 19, 2010

More Los Campesinos!

I think I may have a Youtube exclusive here!

A ways back I posted the album version of Romance is Boring, the title track from Los Campesinos! third album. I've been a huge fan of their particular take on rock/pop/ whatever you want to call it since they hit the scene, and I like seeing a good acoustic take like this one. Here's the acoustic version, and I'll give you the original first if you want to compare.

(I love the LC beers in this video, by the way)

Where U Should Be

I had just heard of Skream in passing before, but this track has SOLD me on getting their new album. Heavy contemporary dance sounds in this track, but it's really evocative too. Most stuff of this genre isn't what I'd consider something I'd put on the ol' ipod, but I could see myself rolling to this.

Also, I begrudgingly post the version from Annie Mac's show because I heard it from her first. I'd put up Grimmy if I could find it, believe you me.

Oh yeah, and the album's out in August. I'll review it for ya. Hold me to that.